If you have the perfect plan on how you are going to pop the question, then how about capturing the moment and the reaction of your partner as you drop down on one knee.
While you will have a wedding photographer capturing the wedding, how about hiring one to capture the proposal. Many wedding photographers will be happy to do this and it is a great way to look back and see both of your reactions as you propose.
Surprise Engagement Photos
When having a photography capture your proposal don’t be worried they will be seen or they will give the game away, they will be hiding and once you have proposed and they have said yes, you can then point to the camera!
The great thing it you can then have some really nice photos of you and the ring perfect for sharing on Facebook with the ‘She said yes’ post! It is also nice to have some nice photos to help remember the way and the exact spot it was.
Here is a little collection of some great proposal photos that were captured by professional wedding photographers as the big question is asked.
Are you going to hire a photographer to capture your proposal?
How to Record Your Proposal
Are you planning to go down on one knee soon? We have some fabulous tips to make the most important day of important days even more worthwhile for you.
Many proposers say they invest so much time in planning the proposal and being anxious about carrying off everything smoothly that they later it all feels like a blur to them.
Wouldn’t you want this extremely special moment to be the star feature of your photo wall? Of course, you’d love to show the pictures and videos to your children and grand children years down the line too.
Hence, here are the best tips on how to record your proposal:
1. Focus
While you’re planning the other essential details, make it a point to plan exactly how you wish to record your proposal. You could come up with idea yourself or follow one of the following popular trends:
You could shoot a POV video clip in which you hold the ring in one hand and shoot her reaction with your phone in the other. This video will manage to capture both of you in the moment you’re popping the question.
The typical Hollywood action shot in which you solemnly go down on knee, offering her the ring while she looks down at you with teary-eyed ecstasy. This is the all-time classic romantic proposal route.
If you want to play it safe and not have evidence on video that she turned you down, then you could opt for a post-ring photo. This way, once you’ve a big, happy yes, you two can pose arm-in-arm while she poses her ring straight into the camera.
If you want a bigger production then go all out. This video shoot will include testimonials, showing you getting ready with nervousness, trepidation and excitement, the moment you pop the question and how you both celebrate later with strains of romantic music in the background.
2. Hire a Professional
If you want an absolutely flawless video and photo shoot of the special moments, we suggest letting a professional handle it for you. You could arrange for the person to be ready with his/her camera in a nearby place where you will be proposing, with their equipment all ready.
Imagine what a great idea it would be to surprise your fiancé with an album full of her surprise, joy, starry-eyed happiness and whatnot. It might just be one of the best surprises for her.
You can find and hire a photographer from sites such as fearless photographers, or Your Perfect Wedding Photographer if you are in the UK, both have a great range of photographers to choose from that will be able to help capture your proposal for you.
3. Strategic Location
Remember to pick a location strategically for your proposal, from a recording point of view. You don’t want your choice of location to be a hindrance in capturing the special moments. As romantic as roaring waterfalls are, we generally recommend not choosing them because the waterfall drowns out your romantic words for the camera. Also, before you choose places like mountaintops etc. make sure that place does not get fog frequently or even too many tourists. You can figure how such instances will just ruin your videos and photos.
4. Set up
If you’re a meticulous planner as well as a proposer who completely wants to take his ladylove by surprise, then planting hidden cameras would be a fantastic idea. You’ll already be planning the location where you’re going to propose so why not do a little more homework?
You could mark a strategic location where hiding cameras close-by will be easy, as well as getting the two of you at a point where the cameras can capture you’ll easily.
If you can’t manage it by yourself, you could even enlist a close friend’s help or a videographer’s. Imagine what a splendid surprise it will be when you share this video at your wedding reception or engagement bash. Not only your fiancé, but all your friends and family will surely love it.
5. Framing
Are you only planning to capture only certain parts of your proposal? Then we suggest you pay careful attention to framing. It is a great idea to decide in advance how much of the scene you intend to capture in the proposal pictures.
Here are options you can consider:
- A long shot that shows you and your girl as two miniature figures in a gorgeous, dreamlike landscape.
- A close-up of your partner’s face so you the camera can capture every trace of emotion, including love, the burst of happiness, excitement etc. etc. on her face.
If it’s be a video shoot, then do you plan to include every passerby in the video too? Such as the people on the benchmark or the stack of books in your hall room if you’re proposing at home? J
It’s a great thing to plan out each tiny detail in advance so that your videos and pictures come out flawless and beautiful, without Photoshop.
Tips and Ideas
How about a unique picture hunting proposal? If you’ve been in the relationship since long, you’ve surely got a dozen pictures of you two in special places around town. These places surely have sentimental values for the two of you.
A great way to use this and remind her of all the romantic moments you’ve shared thus far is preparing a trail with all the photos. You could leave one at each location and have a friend, security guard, store clerk, a family member etc) give her clues to the next checkpoint.
The last spot should her to where you’re waiting for her on one knee with a ring. Line up people if possible to click her picture secretly or record her video at each checkpoint then compile all of this in your wedding album.
You could be ruining your surprise if you let too many people know the details. Someone could just slip up in front of her and mess up your plans. If possible, try to include only as many people as necessary, such as your photographer/videographer, and the one friend or family member who will be playing an active part in the organizing your plan.
Planning your wedding proposal can take time and tons of effort but do not let that deter you from pulling off something extraordinary. After all, these are the moments that will begin your happily-ever-after and recording these as perfectly as you can is the way to get lovely pictures and videos you envision.